之前没有注意过这个问题, 转自: http://book.51cto.com/art/200901/106880.htm
答:printf的%f说明符的确既可以输出float型又可以输出double型。 根据"默认参数提升"规则(在printf这样的函数的可变参数列表中 ,不论作用域内有没有原型,都适用这一规则)float型会被提升为double型。因此printf()只会看到双精度数。参见问题15.2。
格式 | printf | scanf |
%c | int | char * |
%d, %i | int | int * |
%o, %u, %x | unsigned int | unsigned int * |
格式 | printf | scanf |
%ld, %li | long int | long int * |
%lo, %lu, %lx | unsinged long int | unsigned long int * |
%hd, %hi | int | short int * |
%ho, %hu, %hx | unsigned int | unsigned short int * |
%e, %f, %g | double | float * |
%le, %lf, %lg | n/a | double * |
%s | char * | char * |
%[...] | n/a | char * |
%p | void | void ** |
%n | int * | int * |
%% | none | none |
另外, 关于才c++标准输入输出同步, 如果是用了ios::sync_with_stdio(false)的话是可以达到近似scanf的速度的。
static void sync_with_stdio();
Synchronizes the C++ streams with the standard I/O system. The first time this function is called, it resets the predefined streams (cin, cout, cerr, clog) to use astdiobuf object rather than a filebufobject. After that, you can mix I/O using these streams with I/O using stdin, stdout, and stderr. Expect some performance decrease because there is buffering both in the stream class and in the standard I/O file system.After the call to sync_with_stdio, the ios::stdio bit is set for all affected predefined stream objects, and cout is set to unit buffered mode.